“Manas Chakra and the Samāya Path”
with Dr. Dale Buegel
Cost: $30.00
Register here
As we face the many lessons of life, samskāras can develop. Their continuing influence on both a conscious as well as an unconscious level contribute to our karmic pool until the prāṇan associated with those samskāras becomes null. Manas cakra plays a role in handling those samskāras and their associated karmas. In this workshop we will look at ways to work with those samskāras with practices from the samāya path.
This class is being offered both in-person in Milwaukee and via Zoom.
A link to the Zoom recording will be sent the day after the event to all who register.
Dr. Buegel, E-RYT 500, was initiated by Swami Rama in 1974 and has practiced and taught hatha yoga and meditation with the guidance of the Himalayan tradition for 46 years in multiple settings, including as a lead trainer in teacher training programs as well as in health care settings. He is the author of Practical Yoga Sutras and Practical Samaya Tantra and his expertise in the fine points of yoga techniques and the use of simple, sequential steps for mastering advanced yoga practices have earned him the respect and appreciation of students in the U.S. and abroad.