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Thursday Satsang – September 29, 2016 – “Feng Shui and Identity” with Michelle Skally Doilney

 “Feng Shui and Identity” with Michelle Skally Doilney

Learn how your environment reflects you to yourself as well as to other people (family, friends, visitors, coworkers). Once you understand the hows, your environment can be used to support strengths or changes in how you see yourself and in your life. Feeling powerful and without judgement, you can make your own changes in your home and work space for you to shine. We’ll talk about the basics and you will learn 9 easy and budget-friendly “identity” projects to do at home.

Michelle Skally Doilney is a student and initiate in the Himalayan Tradition since 1997. She is a Certified Feng Shui Consultant, working with private and corporate clients, and teaching practical do-it-on-your-own Feng Shui since 2003. Michelle is currently working on several writing projects and a new website, which draw from her love of travel and photography, and from her yoga and Feng Shui experiences. 
