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Thursday Satsang: “Pilgrimage Experiences in the Himalayas” with Lori Beron, Skip Dykoski, Chris Getz, Saroj Lucht, and Chetna Tandon on November 30, 2017

“Pilgrimage Experiences in the Himalayas” with Lori Beron, Skip Dykoski, Chris Getz,

Saroj Lucht, and Chetna Tandon


Come and be inspired as several members of the Meditation Center community share stories and pictures of a recent pilgrimage led by Pandit Dabral to sacred temples in the Garhwal region of the Himalayan Mountains.


6:00pm Hatha Yoga with Jesse Tordsen

7:00pm Meditation

7:30pm Presentation by Lori Beron, Skip Dykoski,

Chris Getz, Saroj Lucht, and Chetna Tandon

8:30pm Soup

9:00pm Prayers and Meditation