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Thursday Satsang: “Re-Thinking Lawns” with Fred Rozumalski on April 19, 2018

 “Re-Thinking Lawns” with Fred Rozumalski on April 19, 2018

Last year at this time we were mowing our yard. Maybe that’s a fond memory or maybe a memory of a laborious chore. Fred will talk this Thursday about what we can plant as substitutions for lawns. There are many options. Bring your questions and learn how to plan for a more ecologically sound Landscape.

Join Fred Rozumalski, master landscape architect, for an interesting  presentation regarding the “re-thinking of lawns in our landscapes, breaking down old concepts and replacing them with designs that benefit the earth and humanity.

All are welcome! Come for the entire evening, or join at any time. There is no need to make reservations. Simply show up and enjoy yourself!

6:00pm Hatha Yoga with  Shauna Tuttle
7:00pm Meditation
7:30pm Presentation with Fred Rozumalski
8:30pm Soup
9:00pm Prayers and Meditation