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Sunday Satsang, March 10th, Is Cancelled Due to This Weekend’s Freezing Rain / Snow Storm

Sunday Satsang Is Cancelled

March 10, 2019

10:00 a.m. – Noon

Namaste Everyone!

This week’s Sunday Session 10:00-12:00 (March 10th) is cancelled.

We’re expecting freezing rain, followed by wet, heavy snow, “like concrete,” they say, along with high winds.

The rain, sleet, snow will last all night and into Sunday morning, The accumulation is supposed to be between 6 inches and 10 inches, with a foot of snow expected a little west of the Twin  Cities.

A good time for DST to kick in, and to set our clocks ahead one hour.

Jim will be facilitating a Silence Retreat in California on March 17th, and so the next time we’ll meet will be on March 24th.

There will be some hand-outs, however, to keep us on track with our Vanaprastha Theme.

I hope everyone has strong roofs on their houses.


Michael Smith