Thursday Satsang In Person at TMC and via Zoom: “Tales from the dark side: Asuras east and west” with Paul Emerson, PhD and Diwali Puja with Emilio Bettaglio at 6:40 p.m. – October 31, 2024
Thursday Satsang In Person at TMC and via Zoom – October 31, 2024
“Tales from the dark side: Asuras east and west” with Paul Emerson, PhD
6:40-8:30 p.m. CDT
Join Emilio Bettaglio at 6:40 p.m. in the Hall of the Tradition for a short puja in celebration of Diwali. The mantra chanted will be the “Maha Lakshmi Gayatri.” The puja will be followed by a “Jyoti Meditation” guided by Swami Radha.
5:30-6:45 p.m. – Gentle Hatha Yoga – Cancelled
6:15-6:40 p.m. – Vegan Soup
6:40-7:00 p.m. – Diwali Puja with Emilio Bettaglio
7:00-7:30 p.m. – Meditation with Swami Radha Bharati
7:30 -8:30 p.m. – “Tales from the Dark Side: Asuras East and West” presented by Paul Emerson Ph.D.
8:30 p.m. Evening Prayers
8:40 p.m. Join the Community for Birthday Cake in Honor of Paul Emerson
Everyone is welcome!!!
When the seasons change and light becomes less, imagination stirs. We remember departed souls, tell stories of ghosts and think about other creatures that go “bump” in the night. The beings of light are temporarily forgotten and replaced and replaced by shadows. But of course the shadows also point us back to the light. Both eastern and western spiritual traditions have these stories of dark beings and their Ravanas (villain of the Ramayana) are Legion. Today being Halloween I thought would be a good time to tell some of these stories and remind ourselves of the light behind them.
Paul Emerson is a biomedical engineer with a Ph.D. He is the authority on the physiology of breathing for The Meditation Center and has been teaching yoga for over 30 years. Paul has worked as a research scientist, has been a manager of clinical research with a major biomedical company and a university instructor. In addition, he holds eight patents in the areas of dialysis and sleep therapy. he is a scholar of ancient yoga texts. Paul was certified by the Rockford School of Yoga and began teaching in 1975.

To support the work of The Meditation Center and register you can donate here (suggested donation $25.00) for Special Thursday Satsang or make a general donation by clicking on the “donate” button on the “Support TMC” website page.
Or donate through PayPal.
Note: There is parking available for TMC visitors in the St. Boniface lot across the street from the Center.