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“Three Love Wishes” – Listen to an Audio of Swami Veda Bharati

“Light and Love”

Swami Veda Bharati

Listen here to “Three Love Wishes” from Swami Veda Bharati

God is light and love…

The love that your heart longs for is the recognition of your Self in all Selves, and the recognition of all Selves in your Self. This light and this love is so sublime that there are no words to express it, Only the deepest state of meditation can show you the depth of that universe of love which is in you.

Love without questioning. Love without analyzing. Love unconditionally. When you love ask, “What can I give?” Do not ask, “What can I receive?” Do not call your craving for reassurance or your selfish needs by the name of love. Let love flow unhindered from soul to soul. Give of yourself without expectations. Give up a little of your freedom to the other, and allow your love to bind you fast together. The spirit of your love should be the same as Christ’s love for Mary Magdalene.

Let your love for every person be a worship of God. There is only light. There is only love.

I wish you this day a shower of such love and an expanded awareness which embraces all others in a circle of divine light and love.

(The Light of Ten Thousand Suns, page 41)