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Hatha Yoga


Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga in the Himalayan Tradition is taught as an integrated practice, which includes: centering, basic relaxations, correct breathing, breath-awareness, stretching sequences using the Joints & Glands movements, asana refinement, subtle-body relaxations, pranayamas, and meditation. Hatha Yoga is defined as the “forcing” of the subtle energies and also as “the balancing of solar and lunar energies.” In the Prana-Vidya Hatha Yoga style of doing asanas, one’s concentration is not only on positioning the body correctly, but also on experiencing what is happening within and how the prana body expresses itself. There is reverence and gentleness in one’s hatha practice and one’s hatha teaching. There is subtle observation in the mind, moving from inside out, and the ability to totally relax non-active parts of the body and move prana into tense areas by means of concentration and the breath. Also, Hatha Yoga, as taught by Swami Veda, is understood as “a continuum” involving all the angas (rungs) of Raja Yoga, especially Ahimsa (non-violence).


Series classes (6 week sessions)

Hatha I – Beginning

Balance your body and relieve stress in this thorough introduction to hatha yoga. Each week you¹ll practice proper breathing, relaxation, joints and glands exercises (gentle stretches), as well as classic yoga asanas (postures). You will also receive practical teachings on Yoga philosophy and lifestyle. The classes are gentle, yet profound, with an opportunity to experience a deep sense of relaxation and peace.

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Hatha II – Intermediate / Continuing (prereq: Hatha I)

Open to anyone who has taken previous Hatha I classes and is developing a practice or aspiring to re-energize a dormant practice. After we have learned how to relax the body and practice safely, we are ready to explore a wider variety of yoga asanas (postures). Students will learn how to develop a well-rounded personal practice, so that they can continue to balance and strengthen their bodies. This class will be tailored to meet the needs of each student

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Drop - In Classes – Open to all

Wednesday – Gentle Hatha – 10:30 AM–Noon (weekly) Currently taught on Zoom because of Covid-19

Thursday – Hatha for Everyone! – 6:00-7:00 PM (weekly) Currently in person, check schedule weekly

Saturday – Gentle Hatha – 9:30-11:00 AM (weekly)(on hiatus)

On Summer Break Until Fall 2022
Saturday Morning Hybrid Drop-In
Gentle Hatha Yoga Class with Nicole Robert
These classes are for all levels. Instructors excel at leading the class in relaxation, gentle asana (yoga positions) and pranayama (breath). Relieve stress, achy joints, improve balance at all levels and increase your sense of well-being.
Purchase Class Passes