Thursday Satsang via Zoom and In-Person Zoom Viewing at TMC – April 3, 2025
“Writing and Reading as Personal Practice” with Michelle Skally Doilney
7:00-8:30 p.m.
5:30-6:45 p.m.: Gentle Hatha Yoga – TBD
7:00-7:30 p.m. Guided Meditation -TBD
7:30-8:30 p.m.: “Writing and Reading as Personal Practice” with Michelle Skally Doilney
8:30 p.m.: Evening Prayers
Join us for a talk with Michelle Skally Doilney as she speaks about the benefits and the hows of using reading and writing as a personal practice. She will read examples from her own unedited notebooks and travel journals, as well as from Living with a Himalayan Master. Michelle will share benefits and how-tos of writing practice as another way to witness mind, to experience non-judgement and non-attachment. Bring your pen and paper for a short experience.
If you have further interest, Michelle will also be teaching an extended workshop on writing practice on April 5, 2025. 10:00-11:30 a.m., “Writing is for Everybody. Part II”
Michelle Skally Doilney is a student and initiate in the Himalayan Tradition since 1997. She is a lifelong writer and a longtime student studying in-person with Natalie Goldberg, writing teacher and author of Writing Down the Bones and her latest, Writing on Empty: A Guide to Finding Your Inner Voice. Michelle is currently consulting and teaching feng shui, yoga, and writing practice. She is working on several writing and art projects drawing from her love of travel and photography.