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“Two-Day Shavasana Practices Workshop” with Swami Radha Bharati

“Two-Day Shavasana Practices Workshop” with Swami Radha Bharati

Saturday: September 10, 2016
10:00am – 5:00pm
Break for lunch

Sunday: September 11, 2016
10:00am – Noon

Cost: $55.00 for two-day workshop

Register here.

This workshop is dedicated to the subtle practices that we do in the shavasana position (corpse pose), that when practiced systematically serve to deepen our relaxation and meditation. Swami Rama and Swami Veda taught specific practices that when done in a specific sequence help to move our awareness from the gross to the subtle, from the external to the internal.

Ma Radha will discuss specific practices, then guide us systematically through them so that we can experience the benefits and awareness that each practice generates.