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Thursday Satsang: Global Healing and Social Harmony Meditations with Rev. Alan Pritz – December 1, 2016

 Thursday Satsang: Global Healing and Social Harmony Meditations with Rev. Alan Pritz – December 1, 2016

Rev. Alan Pritz wrote: “A thought came to me the other day while meditating: Most everyone I know is frustrated by and discouraged with global strife, social turmoil, and political squabbling yet also uncertain about how they, individually, can contribute something positive to offset such rampant negativity. That’s when it occurred to me to initiate Global Healing & Social Harmony Meditations. These would serve on subtle levels to send forth healing energy and thereby lay the energetic framework for healing scenarios to materialize externally.”

Introductory Invocation / Prayer
Body/Mind Centering
Devotional Chant (or Two)
Inspirational Reading
Guided Meditation
Healing Energy Transmission

Rev. Alan Pritz, Interfaith Minister and disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda, has taught inner sciences for over 40 years. Author of award-winning book, Meditation as a Way of Life: Philosophy and Practice (Quest Books: 2014), his private practice in Minneapolis, MN, Awake In Life, provides meditation instruction and spiritual counseling-coaching for individuals, couples, and corporations. See: