July 2, 2022 – Monthly Bhagavad Gita Study Group via Zoom with Sandra Uyterhoeven and Randall Krause
10:00 A.M. – 11:30 A.M.
Donation: $15.00/session
This class will meet the 1st Saturday of every month.
A minimum of 8 participants is required to hold the class!
We continue to study Chapter 2.We will begin at verse 58, Chapter 2, “The Way of Self-Knowledge.”
You can join any time and use any “Gita” commentary. Everyone is welcome to participate in the discussion!
From a participant…”I’m loving reading the “Gita”…so meaningful this time around…”
This class will meet the 1st Saturday of every month unless otherwise noted.(check the TMC calendar for any changes)
The “Bhagavad Gita” is one of the great spiritual books of the world and a core source of Yoga Philosophy. In essence, it is a spiritual discourse given by Krishna, an incarnation of Vishnu, to his disciple, the great warrior Arjuna, on the threshold of a vast war in which both would soon be involved. The teachings of the “Gita” are as meaningful today as they were thousands of years ago.In this study group, in successive monthly sessions, we will slowly walk through the “Gita” from the beginning, discussing each of the verses. This will not be a lecture, but rather a study and discussion group. Although the leaders will officiate and offer brief talks now and then, all of the study group members will read and discuss the verses. Participants will share perspectives from their favorite translations of the verses and commentaries, and this will broaden our understanding of the “Gita.
”Because one of the leaders is a Yoga Alliance Continuing Yoga Education Provider (YACEP), you may count each hour of your participation in this study group as a “Contact” hour of continuing yoga education
.Leaders: Sandra Uyterhoeven and Randall KrauseSandra Uyterhoeven is an experienced yoga teacher, yoga therapist and loves the Bhagavad Gita. She is an initiate in the Himalayan Yoga Meditation Tradition. Sandra is experienced at leading study groups in yoga philosophy.Randall Krause is an initiate of the Himalayan Yoga Meditation Tradition and a senior mentor and teacher in the Tradition. He is registered with Yoga Alliance (YA) as an Experienced Yoga Teacher and a Continuing Yoga Education Provider (YACEP).