Thursday Satsang: “Problems and...
Thursday Satsang - November 1, 2018 "Problems and Practicalities of Immortality" with Paul Emerson Ph.D. The period of Halloween, All Saints' Day...
Thursday Satsang: Navigating Iceland:...
Navigating Iceland: Pilgrimage, Purification, and Practice on the Road The dramatic green valleys, steaming hot springs, rushing waterfalls, and black sand beach...
Thursday Satsang: “Four Ashramas of L...
Thursday Satsang: October 18, 2018 “Treasured Echoes” Festival of An Archive of Dr. Arya’s Audios with Eric Ness “Four Ashramas of Life – Second Stage of Being a Househol...
Thursday Satsang: Reading of “T...
Thursday Satsang – October 11, 2018 An Evening with John David Wilson, Perry Ehrmann, and Maja Radovanlija Join us for a joyous evening with John David Wilson, Perry Erhmann, a...
Thursday Satsang: “The Art of Joyful ...
Thursday Satsang – October 4, 2018 “The Art of Joyful Living” with Lynn Hasel Come and enjoy a peaceful evening of contemplation and meditation on teachings by S...
Thursday Satsang: “Four Ashrama...
Thursday Satsang: September 27, 2018 “Treasured Echoes” Festival of An Archive of Dr. Arya’s Audios with Swami Radha Bharati and Eric Ness "Four Ashramas of Life - First ...
Thursday Satsang: “Connect Your Inne...
Thursday Satsang on September 20, 2018 “Connect Your Inner and Outer Homes” with Michelle Skally Doilney Learn how to express and transform yourself (personality AND yo...
Thursday Satsang: “The Transformativ...
Thursday Satsang on September 13, 2018 “The Transformative Power of Silence” with Jim Nelson Silence is the greatest communication. It is the language which trans...
Thursday Satsang: “Morning Pray...
Thursday Satsang on September 6, 2018 "Morning Prayers in The Himalayan Tradition" with Michael Smith Each morning, around the world, students in the...
Thursday Satsang: “Practical Hints fo...
Thursday Satsang “Practical Hints for Meditation” with Indu Arora Join Indu Arora for an inspiring evening. Indu Arora, Ayurveda and Yoga Therapist consiers herself a s...