Special Sunday Satsang via Zoom
with Pandit Ashutosh Sharma
June 13, 2021
10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. CDT
Ashutosh Sharma will speak via Zoom at 10:00 a.m. for our Sunday Satsang.
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On June 13th Pandit Ashutosh Sharma is an expert hatha yoga instructor, who can teach both beginners and advanced students. From an early age, he studied asanas, pranayama, and subtle-body relaxation techniques. In 1992, he met Swami Rama, who sent him to Swami Veda Bharati to learn meditation and to intensify his practices. Since 1996, he has been travelling and teaching worldwide. He serves as a senior Hatha Instructor for the Himalayan Yoga Tradition – Teacher Training Program (HYT- TTP) and has trained hundreds of teachers all over the world in the Prana Vidya Hatha Yoga Style of the Himalayan Tradition.
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