Thursday Satsang In Person and Via Zoom
December 26, 2024
“Relax, Rest, and Recover”
with Swami Ma Radha Bharati and Lori Beron
7:00-8:30 p.m. CST
Lighting of Hanukkah Candles on the second night of Hanukkah
with Nikki Strong and Daniel Hertz at 8:30 p.m.
Everyone is welcome!
5:30-6:45 p.m.: Gentle Hatha Yoga – Cancelled
7:00-8:00 p.m.: “Relax, Rest, and Recover”
with Swami Ma Radha Bharati and Lori Beron
8:00-8:30 p.m. Guided Meditation with Swami Radha
8:30-8:40 p.m.: Lighting of Hanukkah Candles on the second night of Hanukkah
with Nikki Strong and Daniel Hertz
8:40 p.m.: Evening Prayers
Relax, Rest and Recover from the hustle and bustle that typically comes with Christmas: Swami Radha Bharati and Lori Beron will be leading practices to help you let go of tension and stress in your body and mind. No lectures. Nothing is required of you. Yoga mats, cushions and blankets are available at the Center or bring your own. Just come to TMC or participate via zoom. Since you will be lying down on the floor in shavasana for a while, you may want to cover yourself with a blanket or shawl and use a cushion under your knees and a small pillow under your head. After the practices we will sit for meditation.
Practices: (approximately 45 minutes or so)
- Tension and Release
- Systematic Relaxation
- 61 Point Blue Star
- Shitali Karana relaxation
- Yoga Nidra Conscious Rest
- followed by Guided Meditation
To support the work of The Meditation Center and register you can donate here or make a general donation by clicking on the “donate” button on the “Support TMC” website page.
Or donate through PayPal.
There is parking available for TMC visitors in the St. Boniface lot across the street from the Center.