Thursday Satsang Via Zoom and In-Person Viewing at TMC – March 6, 2025
“Tantraloka – Time & the Breath – Part III” with Gary Gran CYT, DAy
7:00-8:30 p.m. CST
Everyone is Welcome!
5:30-6:45 p.m.: Gentle Hatha Yoga
7:00-7:30 p.m. Guided Meditation
7:30-8:30 p.m.: “Tantraloka – Time & the Breath – Part II” with Gary Gran
8:30 p.m.: Evening Prayers
In one of Swami Veda’s last public teachings before entering silence in 2010, he introduced us to the “Siva Sutras”, a primary text in Kashmir Shaivism. During those talks, he recommended that we continue our study of Kashmir Shaivism, and pointed us to the famous “Tantraloka” of Abhinavagupta. In particular, he felt it was important for us to understand the correlation of time and the breath as taught in Chapter 6 of the “Tantraloka.”
Why is this teaching important for us to understand today? Through this teaching, perhaps we can begin to understand our true relationship with time, life on earth, the universe, and the very life force that sustains us all.
The “Tantraloka” (Light of the Tantras) is considered to be the magnum opus of Abhinavagupta, the 10th-11thcentury polymath of Kashmir. In 37 chapters, he synthesized the various schools of tantra into a unified whole.
Please join us as we contemplate our place in the universe together. All are welcome.
“The tantras speak of a weave, a warp and a woof of the universe… The entire universe is a grid of single energy, in which grid I too have a little place, a little corner. I am connected to the grid and cannot be separate from the grid… Experiencing it is the work of the Tantra.” – Swami Veda
Gary Gran, CYT, DAy. was in attendance at the 1985 workshop and will be sharing theteachings from his personal notes. He and his wife Cynthia have been treading the Himalayan path since the late 1970s. They met at the old Glenview Center in Illinois and have served the tradition in various capacities over the years. They are both certified yoga teachers and Ayurvedic educators. They have published more than eighty articles on yoga, meditation and Ayurveda. They are currently wintering in Tucson, Arizona where they enjoy desert gardening, cooking and hiking.
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