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19 Oct.

Thursday Satsang with In-Person Viewing at TMC and via Zoom: Viewing of the Video “Viewing of the Recorded Talk  “Love in the Yoga Sutra, Where is It?”presented by Salvatore Zambito on June 17, 2021 – October 19, 2023

October 19, 2023 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Thursday Satsang with In-Person Viewing at TMC and via Zoom:

In remembrance

Viewing of the Recorded Talk

“Love in the Yoga Sutra, Where is It?”

presented by Salvatore Zambito on June 17, 2021.

In remembrance

 October 19, 2023


5:30-6:45 p.m.: Gentle Hatha Yoga with Susan Guthrie

7:00-7:30 p.m.: Guided Meditation with Swami Radha Bharati

7:30-8:30 p.m.: Viewing of the Recorded Talk “Love in the Yoga Sutra, Where is It?”

presented by Salvatore Zambito on June 17, 2021.

8:30 p.m.: Evening Prayers

8:40 p.m.: Snacks

“A Loving Tribute to Salvatore from Stoma”

Salvatore was a great student of the yoga-sutras and his writings, “The Unadorned Thread” and the “Yoga Sutras Dictionary” are both very helpful tools for going deeper into your understanding of the fine points of the sutras. He was a sadhaka who well understood the continual attention of the siddhas upon genuine sadhakas. He once went to an astrologer to have his chart done. After their conversation about the chart, the astrologer told him that while they were talking there were five subtle beings sitting around him. “Who were they?” Salvatore had no awareness of them but he understood that these were undoubtedly the siddhas that attend upon sincere practitioners who have established asteya, non-stealing, in their personality. By non-stealing, Patanjali means the continual re-evaluation of what is mine that we go through as we grow. As less and less becomes mine, we become more and more generous. That generosity of heart is answered by the silent gaze of the siddhas of the lineage and the help they bring in moments when we are moving in harmony with our dharma. Bask in the warmth of that light, wise brother.

“Love in the Yoga Sutras”

After thanking Salvatore for presenting his beautiful June 17, 2021 Thursday Satsang lecture, “Love in the Yoga Sutras,” Salvatore responded.

“… In about 1984 I had a lengthy conversation with a Tibetan rinpoche. One of the areas he shared was an understanding that universes emerge from a thematic intention, mostly Will, Love and Wisdom, and Active Intelligence. It was his contention that this is a Love-Wisdom universe, hence the loving wisdom nature of our great spiritual leaders…”

Salvatore exemplified this loving wisdom nature in his teachings and presence. Thank you, Salvatore, for being an expression of this Love-Wisdom for us in this realm.

To learn more regarding Salvatore’s life’s work read his bio here courtesy of The Yoga Sutras Institute

“Something Swamiji Said”

by Four Sadhakas

“Salvatore’s Story”

“One cool, sunny afternoon in Boise, I was driving Swamiji, in his previous incarnation as Pandit Arya, to our next engagement. He turned to me and I heard him say, “So what!?”

I glanced at him quizzically and after a pause, he continued, “ ‘So what’ may be the most important question a teacher is ever required to answer and students are always within their rights to ask it. Actually, it is the duty of a student to determine the applicability of the material under consideration. If you can’t answer that question, you simply don’t know where you are going with the presentation. Consider empowering your students to ask, “So what?” at any time. It will serve to keep you alert and they may enjoy themselves.”

I followed Panditji’s advice at the next class at Boise State. From then on students would challenge me with, “So what?,” often quite unexpectedly, and we had great times together exploring why anything I said might matter. On a couple of occasions I had to admit that what I was saying probably didn’t matter, at least not very much, but I enjoyed the topic. The students were satisfied with the honesty of the reply and, good-humoredly, joined in with me.

On a little expanded scale, I find myself often asking, “So what?” in the widest variety of human activities. It has served as an unusually effective focus for self-witnessing of habitual response and deepening emotional stability as inappropriate reactions come to be seen clearly and fresh action taken – or not taken.

Of course, I still invite students to challenge me with “So what?” I never know what I’ll learn from their inquiry!”

Thank, you, Swamiji.

– Salvatore Zambito

Courtesy of Read the entire article here.


Event Details

Date: October 19, 2023 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Time: 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm