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“Vijnana Bhairava” with Dr. Stephen Parker (Stoma)

"Vijnana Bhairava" with Dr. Stephen Parker (Stoma) Mondays: January 8, 22, 29 and February 5, 2018 No class on January 15th. 7:15pm - 9:00pm   $15 suggested donation per session $55.00 for all four sessions.   Register here. Join Dr. Stephen Parker (Stoma) for a four-week...


“Beyond The Asanas: An Introduction to Yoga Philosophy and Term”s with Paul Emerson, PhD

                     "Beyond The Asanas:  An Introduction to Yoga Philosophy and Terms"                      or                " The Beginners Guide to the Practical Perennial Patanjali" Yoga philosophy can be complicated--different concepts, different language, different practices.  Moreover, Indian philosophy is not a single entity but a variety of...