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Monthly Friday Evening Movie Nights Beginning January 5, 2018

Monthly Friday Evening Movie Nights Beginning January 5, 2018 Join us on Friday, January 5, 2018, 7:00pm,  at The Meditation Center for the first monthly Friday movie night of the New Year. We will be having subsequent movie nights around the first of each month....

Silence Day: “Mauni Amavasya” – Tuesday: January 16, 2018

Silence Day "Mauni Amavasya" Tuesday: January 16, 2018     "Mauni Amavasya" (Silence Day) is an annual observance. The observation of Silence Day is a practice that Swami Veda Bharati invited us to practice. Swamiji wrote: There is an annual silence day in the traditions of...

Movie Night: “In Pursuit of Silence” – February 9, 2018  7:00pm

Friday Movie Night  - February 9, 2018 at 7:00pm "In Pursuit of Silence" Directed by Patrick Shen, 2015, 81 minutes "In Pursuit of Silence" is a meditative exploration of our relationship with silence, sound and the impact of noise on our lives. Beginning with an ode to John Cage's...