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“Om Kriya” Practicum with Swami Radha Bharati at Sunday Satsang, July 22, 2018

"This kriya, or yogic practice, is a unique method for deepening your concentration and meditation. In this kriya, you can attain a state of deep bliss, like that of sleep, but you remain conscious. It is a state which is beyond sleep, between sleep and Turiya."

- H.H.S. Swami Rama -
(Om the eternal witness Secrets of the Mandukya Upanishad, page185)


Sunday Satsang: At The Center with Michael Smith and Jim Nelson 10:00am – 12 Noon

Sunday Satsang sessions are informal gatherings of people who are interested in refining their meditative practices and their lifestyles following the teachings of the Himalayan Yoga Tradition.

Senior Teachers Jim Nelson and Michael Smith host each session:

Meet from 10:00 AM – 12 Noon
45-minute Guided Meditation
Presentation and a Discussion

There are some Sundays when Sunday Satsang is not held or when other events and presentations replace the Sunday Satsang sessions. When that occurs, we try to notify all interested people in advance on The Meditation Center website.

No Sunday Satsang: At The Center with Michael Smith and Jim Nelson 10:00am – 12 Noon

Sunday Satsang sessions are informal gatherings of people who are interested in refining their meditative practices and their lifestyles following the teachings of the Himalayan Yoga Tradition.

Senior Teachers Jim Nelson and Michael Smith host each session:

Meet from 10:00 AM – 12 Noon
45-minute Guided Meditation
Presentation and a Discussion

There are some Sundays when Sunday Satsang is not held or when other events and presentations replace the Sunday Satsang sessions. When that occurs, we try to notify all interested people in advance on The Meditation Center website.