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Postponed until September : Virtual 5-Day Summer Silence Retreat 2021 with Swami Radha Bharati, Jim Nelson, Emilio Bettaglio, and Daya Seeley – August 13 – August 17, 2021

Postponed Until September - Virtual Summer Silence Retreat 2021 with Swami Radha Bharati, Jim Nelson, Emilio Bettaglio, and Daya Seeley FIVE-DAY SILENCE RETREAT AUGUST 13 – AUGUST 17, 2021 COST: $179.00 "Only those who have learnt to merge their speech into the sea of silence have...

Thursday Satsang via Zoom: Tibetan Medicine: Spiritual Immunity & Resilience! with Dr. Miriam E. Cameron and Dr. Tenzin Namdul – August 19, 2021

Tibetan Medicine: Spiritual Immunity & Resilience!  Thursday, August 19, 2021 The Meditation Center, Minneapolis, via Zoom Schedule: Meditation, 7 p.m., Presentation & Discussion: 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.  Faculty, Dr. Miriam E. Cameron and Dr. Tenzin Namdul To receive the zoom link for this event, please subscribe...