Diwali Message 2019 from Swami Ritavan Bharati
October 29, 2019
Diwali Message 2019 from Swami Ritavan Bharati

With resplendent flame of self, letting-go name & form,
awakening the inner light of insight -contemplation and meditation, shining in polished mind with heart aglow
illuminations of life, diminishing gaps of duality.
A brilliant star draws you draws you near, ever-so-clear, ever-so-dear,
light unobscured by mirrored image, –” i am that.”
radiant Self- AHAM;
Becoming – Hamsa — So-Ham
with virile mind enlightened, natural harmony of life ensues. Tasmai Shri Gurave Namah
Unto That – Light, my obeisance,
-Swami Ritavan Bharati-
Ashram Pramukh and AHYMSIN Spiritual Guide