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Hybrid Thursday Satsang In Person Viewing at TMC and via Zoom: Commentary on “The Book of Revelation” with Gary Gran CYT, DAy

Hybrid Thursday Satsang In Person Viewing at TMC and via Zoom – March 28, 2024

“Commentary on The Book of Revelation”with Gary Gran CYT, DAy

7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

5:30-6:45 p.m.: Gentle Hatha Yoga with Eric Ness
7:00-7:30 p.m.: Guided Meditation by Swami Ma Radha Bharati
7:30-8:30 p.m.: “Commentary on the Book of Revelation” with Gary Gran CYT, DAy
8:30 p.m.: Evening Prayers
8:40 p.m.: Snacks

The rich imagery found in the last book of the Christian Bible has been interpreted and reinterpreted over the years through many lenses, including various literal, artistic, symbolic, and spiritual interpretations.

In 1982, at the old Glenview Center of the Himalayan Institute, Swami Rama gave a powerful commentary on the text from the yogic point of view. He described the Revelation or Apocalypse of John as a complete guidebook to the spiritual journey, as one crosses the threshold from the rational mind to the unconscious mind and beyond to the eternal. It represents the highest initiation possible for mankind.

Please join us to hear the words that Swamiji spoke as we open and read from the Book of Revelation. All are welcome.

Jesus: “Those who have ears to hear, let them hear.”

Swami Rama: Revelation is “a universal revelation for humankind.”

Swami Veda: “Revelation is a parable of the spiritual journey and the process of breakthrough and transformation. The passage from one ground to the next is often accompanied by a trial or tribulation. This passage could be from waking to sleeping, waking to meditation, living to dying, or epoch to epoch…”

Gary Gran, CYT, DAy.  was in attendance at the 1982 seminar and will be sharing the teachings from his personal notes. He and his wife Cynthia have been treading the Himalayan path since the late 1970s. They met at the old Glenview Center in Illinois and have served the tradition in various capacities over the years. They are both certified yoga teachers and Ayurvedic educators. They have published more than eighty articles on yoga, meditation and Ayurveda. They are currently residing in Tucson, Arizona where they enjoy desert gardening, cooking and hiking.

To support the work of The Meditation Center and register you can donate here (suggested donation $15.00) for Thursday Satsang or make a general donation by clicking on the “donate” button on the “Support TMC” website page.

Or donate through PayPal.

Note: There is parking available for TMC visitors in the St. Boniface lot across the street from the Center.