In Memory of Sudhansu Sekhar Misra
Sudhansu Misra, a beloved member and bright light of The Meditation Center, passed away quietly on Thursday, January 14, 2021. Sudhansu, together with his wife Indu, was an active and loving supporter of The Meditation Center, attending satsangs, classes, and workshops.
In 2014, Indu and Sudhansu presented a talk on “A Gurkul School Combines Traditional Methods with Modern School Curriculum”. They highlighted the Navapravat Gurukul Ashram established in Odisha State of India, set up by Bhagban Dev, an associate of Swami Veda. Sudhansu was a founding supporter of this school in rural Odisha and he was also instrumental in the expansion of the school to include girls. Education of the children was so important to Sudhansu.
Sudhansu was a friend to many at the Center. He always had a friendly smile, a listening ear, sage advice, and kind words to offer those he encountered. Sudhansu’s gentle presence will be missed by all who were privileged to call him a friend on the Path.
From Sudhansu’s obituary…Sudhansu was a quietly spiritual man. An attentive student of Swami Rama and Swami Veda Bharati, he was a practitioner of meditation and the yoga sutras. He was an active member of the Meditation Center in Minneapolis, the Geeta Ashram, and the Hindu Mandir of Minnesota. He was a focused sadhaka and supportive kalyanamitra traveling the long road to moksha…”
Read Sudhansu’s complete obituary here in the Star Tribune, where you can write and submit a tribute to his family: wife Indu, daughter Niru, son-in-law Brian, and his granddaughters Jaya and Asha, and grandson-in-law Michael.