Mother Divine Worship through the Lakshmi Gayatri Dedication from January 13-17, 2022
Mark Your Calendars….
Mother Divine Worship through the Lakshmi Gayatri Dedication from January 13-17, 2022
Thursday Satsang for January 6, 2022: Stephen Parker (Stoma) Psy.D. 500-EYT, will talk about the Goddess Lakshmi.
Thursday Satsang for January 13, 2022
7:00 p.m.: Meditation with Swami Ritavan
7:30 p.m.: Introduction to the Lakshmi Gayatri mantra continuing with a puja and havan with TMC Spiritual Committee and TMC community (via Zoom).
Finish with silent recitation of one mala of Lakshmi Gayatri with sankalpa for the community.(persons can sign for the count of japa toward the community sankalpa of half-purascharana.)
Maha Lakshmi Gayatri
Maha Lakshmyai cha vidmahe
vishnu-patnyai cha dhimahi
tanno Lakshmi prachodayat.
Listen to the meaning of the Lakshmi Gayatri mantra and purascharana.
Listen to the Maha Lakshmi Gayatri recited by Stephen Parker (Stoma) Psy.D., E-RYT 500/
To sign up for participation and keep track of the number of malas send an Email at the end of the day to MotherLakshmi108@gmail.com (Note the “H” in the spelling of Lakshmi)
Read here the instructions for signing up for participation in the half-purascharana.
Friday, January 14 2022: Lakshmi Gayatri japa continues: at Noon recitation of the Lalita Sahasranama
Saturday, January 15, 2022:Lakshmi Gayatri japa continues: at Noon recitation of the Lalita Sahasranama
Sunday, January 16, 2022: Morning schedule of meditation with Swami Ritavan, followed by recitation of Lalita Sahasranama; and continue with Lakshmi Gayatri japa until 11:30 am (no other Sunday Program)
Monday, January 17, 2022, Lakshmi Gayatri japa continues: at Noon recitation of the Lalita Sahasranama
6:30 p.m.: Recitation of the Lalita Sahasranama
7:45-8:45 p.m.: Lakshmi Gayatri Havan
9:00-10:00 p.m.: Full Moon Meditation with Saumya mantra japa.
Click here to read the Lalita Sahasranama
Listen here and follow the 1,000 Names of Lalita, the Mother Divine, Sri Lalita Sahasranama recited by Swami Veda Bharati
Excerpt from The Living Goddess by Linda Johnsen
“…There are ten goddesses in the esoteric yogic tradition. Of these, the three most widely worshipped are the fierce mighty Kali, the ever-wise Tara, and the lovely, gracious Lalita.
While Saraswati, Lakshmi, Kali, and Durga are enormously popular goddesses whose images can be found from one end of India to the other, Lalita is an esoteric goddess, worshiped quietly by the Shakta yogis, by monks of the Hindu monasteries, such as those established by Shankaracharya, and by the lay initiates privately in their homes. The simplest villagers can relate to the popular goddesses and the boons they grant, but Lalita is a more abstract deity, the living power of absolute consciousness, and the boon she confers, Self-realization, is less in demand than success in school, rupees, or healing from disease.
Lalita nevertheless is anthropomorphized by the tradition as a voluptuous young woman carry five arrows made of long-stemmed flowers, a bow made of sugar cane, a noose and a goad. The arrows are our five senses and the bow with which they’re dispatched is our mind. When our senses are offered to the Goddess and our thoughts are directed to the divine, our lives becomesweet and fragrant…”