Our Center
The Meditation Center offers training in Raja Yoga, an integrated, scientific, experiential approach to improving a person’s ability to skillfully use mind and body in everyday life. It was first codified by the great Indian scholar and sage Patanjali in his famous work, The Yoga Sutras.
The Meditation Center serves as a resource of the Himalayan Tradition, which was established in the West by H.H. Sri Swami Rama of the Himalayas. The ancient methods taught in this tradition underlie the variety of meditation systems found in all faiths. Raja Yoga not only includes the physical postures and stretches that people often refer to as yoga, but also includes efficient breathing, control of the senses, enhanced concentration, the cultivation of personally healthy habits, training in social relationships, and higher stages of meditation.
Raja Yoga is particularly well suited to this culture since Americans like to experiment with techniques that increase their effectiveness and productivity. Raja Yoga encourages students to engage in personal experimentation, guided by skilled teachers, to improve insight and capacity through practical techniques that have proven worthwhile to thousands of students over the centuries.
The Meditation Center offers a range of courses on Raja Yoga. Students are taught in small groups by experienced instructors and are given personal, one-to-one attention. Teachers foster a sense of camaraderie in the classes so that students can help each other learn and grow.
As students progress, they improve their capability to be peaceful and productive individuals.