Remembrance of Swami Veda’s 88th Birthday on March 24, 2021 – Listen to Swami Veda’s Birthday Blessing
March 22, 2021
Remembrance of Swami Veda’s 88th Birthday!
on March 24, 2021
Listen to Swami Veda’s Birthday Blessing.
“Love-Mantra” by Swami Veda Bharati
Lady of the universe invites you to her mansion
just above the heart gorge
Over full cups of ambrosia she grants your three eyes
her vast grandeur’s vision
View of magnificent worlds stretched out as far as
soul-falcon’s wings can fly
Eternity!- She says – and all this, too, Soul,
Is, had been your own estate, you forgot?
LOVE, she names this grandeur-sharing of Herself with you
and thenceforce
the only word gods living secretly in your ears can hear is
(Courtesy of AHYMSIN.org. Taken from a hard copy made and distributed in 2008.)