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“So What is Tantra Yoga?”, A Seminar with Dr. Phil Nuernberger, October 18- 19, 2019

“So What is Tantra Yoga?”  with Dr. Phil Nuernberger

October 18- 19, 2019    

 The Meditation Center will be live streaming Vimeo sessions for those who can’t come to TMC in person.  Register online at and email TMC at stating you have registered for a particular session or sessions, then the respective session Vimeo link or links will be sent to you.

Friday, October 18th: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

Saturday, October 19th: 9:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.  

We will break for lunch at noon and return at 1:30 p.m. Bring a bag lunch, visit the Northeast Minneapolis Farmers Market, or eat at one Northeast Minneapolis’ restaurants in the neighborhood.

Register here. 

All three sessions: $85.00

Friday, October 18, 2019: $25.00 

Saturday Morning, October 19, 2019: $35.00 

Saturday Afternoon, October 19, 2019: $35.00 

Saturday – All Day, October 19, 2019: $60.00

“You are not who you think you are.” Arguably the oldest religion in the world is Tantra. But Gurudev Swami Rama brought Tantra as a science to the U.S. and considered himself to be a scientist. Tantra sees the mind as our most powerful instrument, but it is also our greatest obstacle. How to work with thought-constructs is key to growing spiritually. We will explore how Tantra as a science is both transformative and transcendent. In fact, you can’t have one without the other, and we often focus more on the technical aspects and ignore the necessary power of Tantra to create a powerful and humane transformation of the ego-self. Let’s see how this ancient science impacts us on all levels if we really are serious about a spiritual practice.

Phil Nuernberger, Ph.D. is a direct disciple of H.H. Sri Swami Rama and was personally trained by Swamiji since 1970. Dr. Phil is one of the few Americans to receive initiation by Swami Rama into the highest levels of the tantric tradition of the Himalayan Sages. With his Master’s instruction and blessing, Dr. Phil has been teaching and initiating others in this tradition since 1972. He was instrumental in helping Swamiji build the Himalayan Institute, and served on its Board of Directors until 1992.

Dr. Nuernberger is author of five books. The most recent are Freedom’s Path: The Dancing Soul, The Warrior Sage: Life as Spirit, as well as, Strong and Fearless: The Quest for Personal Power and From Loneliness to Love: A Journey of Spiritual Awakening.