Thursday Satsang: Intro to Shri Vidy...
All are welcome! Come for the entire evening, or join at any time. There is no need to make reservations. Simply show up and enjoy yourself! Weekly Format: 6:00 - 7:00: Hatha...
Sunday Satsang for June 5, 2016 (10:...
We look forward to being with everyone in TMC's special space. Join us for Sunday Satsang on June 5th, 2016. Shantih! Jim and Michael...
2016 – 40 Day Spiritual Festiva...
2016 - 40-Day Spiritual Festival June 10-July 19, 2016 Each summer during the 40 days that precede Guru Purnima, sadhakas are invited to participate in the 40 Day Spiritual Fest...
2nd International Day of Yoga Tuesday...
Use of logo courtesy of the Government of India. Open Meditation and Prayers 6:00am Twelve Sun Salutations with Mary Bowman-Cline 7:00am - 7:45am Guided Meditation with Swami...
2nd International Day of Yoga Tuesday...
Open Meditation and Prayers 6:00am Twelve Sun Salutations with Mary Bowman-Cline 7:00am - 7:45am Guided Meditation with Swami Ritavan 8:00am Joints and Glands Class with Sig Mar...
Sunday Satsang: Study of – Per...
June 5, 2016 - Bhagavad Gita Study (continues) 10 AM - 12 PM The Meditation Center This coming Sunday the study of Perennial Psychology of the Bhagavad Gita will continue wi...
Thursday Satsang – July 16, 201...
Thursday Satsang: Intro to Shri Vidya - 16 July 2016 In this Thursday Eve Satsang, Pandit Dabral will briefly introduce the topic of "Intro to Shri Vidya", which is the theme o...
Meditation I: Learning the Basics
This class introduces the student to the basics of meditation in the Himalayan Tradition. Relaxation techniques, pranayama (yogic breath), ideal sitting postures, and the use of...
Meditation I: Learning the Basics
This class introduces the student to the basics of meditation in the Himalayan Tradition. Relaxation techniques, pranayama (yogic breath), ideal sitting postures, and the use of...
Motto for all Future Silence Days
Motto for all future silence days (from some old lecture of mine): Eat only when you are fasting Be still while running Speak only when in silence. उपोषन्नेव भुञ्जीयात् ब्रह...