“Purifying the Chakras with Bhu...
"Purifying the Chakras with Bhuta Shuddhi" with Pandit Dabral When: July 10 and July 11, 2017 Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm Cost: $40.00 for both sessions $25.00 for Monday'...
“Purifying the Chakras with Bhu...
"Purifying the Chakras with Bhuta Shuddhi" with Pandit Dabral When: July 10 and July 11, 2017 Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm Cost: $40.00 for both sessions $25.00 for Monday'...
Thursday Satsang: Intro to Shri Vidy...
All are welcome! Come for the entire evening, or join at any time. There is no need to make reservations. Simply show up and enjoy yourself! Weekly Format: 6:00 - 7:00: Hatha...
Thursday Satsang – July 16, 201...
Thursday Satsang: Intro to Shri Vidya - 16 July 2016 In this Thursday Eve Satsang, Pandit Dabral will briefly introduce the topic of "Intro to Shri Vidya", which is the theme o...
Shri Vidya, the Supreme Science
Shri Vidya, the Supreme Science Day 1: Saturday: June 18, 2016 9:00am- 5:00pm Day 2: Sunday: June 19, 2016 10:00am - Noon Havan with special Gayatri mantra (This is an optio...
Shri Vidya, the Supreme Science (Day ...
Day 1: Saturday: June 18, 2016 9:00am- 5:00pm Day 2 (optional): Sunday: June 19, 2016 10:00am - Noon Havan (fire ceremony) with special Gayatri mantra (This is an optional eve...
Shri Vidya, the Supreme Science (Day 1)
Day 1: Saturday: June 18, 2016 9:00am- 5:00pm Day 2: Sunday: June 19, 2016 10:00am - Noon Havan with special Gayatri mantra (This is an optional event) Heart Donations Accept...