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Thursday Satsang – August 4 – “Bhakti, the Essence of Sadhana” with Pandit Tejomaya

Thursday Satsang – August 4 – “Bhakti, the Essence of Sadhana” with Pandit Tejomaya

Bhakti, devotion, has the transformative power to turn words into prayers, actions into offerings, and thoughts into the very fabric of heaven.  But for Bhakti to hit its mark, it must be cultivated, practiced, focused, refined. Like all spiritual practices, devotional practices generally begin at the gross level and then expand into the limitless subtle realms.

Join Pandit Tejomaya for an evening exploring the subtleties of Bhakti, as we focus our devotion within.

6:00pm Hatha with Jesse Tordsen

7:00pm Meditation with Pandit Tejomaya

7:30pm Presentation by Pandit Tejomaya

8:30pm Soup

9:00pm Prayers and Clean-up

Thursday Evening Community Gathering (Satsang)

You’re invited to get acquainted with the Center’s community of students and teachers by participating in our Thursday night community gathering (satsang).  Whether you are new to yoga or an experienced practitioner you will enjoy sharing in satsang with friends you know and ones you will make.

Weekly Format:

6:00 – 7:00:  Hatha Yoga for Everyone! ($10)

7:00 – 7:30: Guided Meditation (free!)

7:30 – 8:30: Inspiring Presentation and Discussion (donation appreciated)

8:30 – 9:00: Vegetarian Buffet (suggested donation $3)

There is no need to make reservations.  Simply show up and enjoy yourself!