Thursday Satsang: “Embracing Our Shadow – Transcending the Polarities That Bind Us” with Jim Nelson – December 8, 2016
Thursday Satsang: “Embracing Our Shadow – Transcending the Polarities That Bind Us” with Jim Nelson – December 8, 2016
Everything that exists is a part of a polarity and therefore has its counterpart. Typically, we try to align our self with one side and disown the other. However, In yoga psychology this will only deepen the unconscious influence of the rejected polarity which Carl Jung called “The Shadow”. Swami Rama in Perennial Psychology of the Bhagavad Gita says:
“Hypocritical behavior is an outward expression of a cleavage in the personality. . . . The hypocritical person is afraid that others will not accept him so he uses a false mask so that others will respect him. . . It is likely that he keeps his innermost feelings secret even from himself and consciously identifies with his insincere behavior. This type of person always remains unknown and a stranger to himself and has nothing to contribute to society if he does not even admit to himself his inner thoughts and feelings. How can he possibly explore deeper dimensions and find the inner Self of all? . . . . When one’s inner feeling and thoughts become one with his outer expression the neurosis and interpersonal dramas cease.”
We will explore experientially how to bring forward our shadow and embrace it in a way that loosens the unconscious grip it has on us so we can live a more integrated, authentic, and joy filled life.
6:00pm Hatha with Mary Bowman-Cline
7:00pm Meditation with Swami Gita Bharati
7:30pm Presentation by Jim Nelson
8:30pm Soup
9:00pm Prayers and Clean-up