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Thursday Satsang In-Person Viewing at TMC and via Zoom: Recorded Video Talk, “Tantra is and Expansion of Consciousness that Protects You, Sri Vidya Tantra by Jyoti Pattabhiram (Guru Sakala Maa) – May 16, 2024

Thursday Satsang In-Person Viewing at TMC and via Zoom May 16, 2024

Recorded Video Talk: “Tantra is Expansion of Consciousness that Protects YOU. Sri Vidya Tantra. Part 2

by Jyoti Pattabhiram (Guru Sakala Maa) 

7:00 – 8:30 p.m. CDT

5:30-6:45 p.m.: In-Person Gentle Hatha Yoga with Chris Young

7:00-7:30 p.m.: Meditation Guided by Swami Ma Radha Bharati

7:30-8:30 p.m.: Recorded Video Talk: “Tantra is Expansion of Consciousness that Protects YOU.  Sri Vidya Tantra. Part 2

by Jyoti Pattabhiram (Guru Sakala Maa) 

8:30 p.m.: Evening Prayers

8:40 p.m.: Snacks

When Guruma Jyoti Pattabhiram (Sakala Maa) recounts her life experiences with two great masters in her lectures, one is left with a sense of awe on the profoundest and the sacred bond that exist between the disciple and the guru.

Having served as the Chairman of the Sadhana Sangam trust, she has retired and is currently guiding aspirants in SriVidya Tantra Sadhana. She has been serving the sages of Himalayan and Srividya traditions for the past 3 decades. She got initiated into Yoga and Srividya by Swami Rama of the Himalayas. Under his tutelage, she deepened her spiritual journey in the path of meditation.

After Swami Rama left his body, he blessed her to enhance her Sadhana in Srividya in the South Indian tradition under the tutelage of Guru Sri Satyanandanatha of Mysore, a great Srividya adept and popularly known as Mahamahopadhyaya Dr. R. Satyanarayana.

“Another dimension of Jyothiji’s personality is that, while a professor of English, she is a Bharatanatya dancer and teacher by passion; a Choreographer spreading the roots of spirituality in dance, in the light of Yoga – Meditation – Srividya spiritual practices…

…Jyothiji works tirelessly in creating an environment conducive for culturing the divine samskaras in her dance students and spiritual aspirants, according to the ancient shastras of our traditions.”

Text and image courtesy of

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Or donate through PayPal.

Note: There is parking available for TMC visitors 

in the St. Boniface lot across the street from the Center.