Thursday Satsang: “Silence in a Noisy World” with Michelle Skally Doilney – January 2, 2020
Thursday Satsang – January 2, 2020
Happy New Year!!!
“Silence in a Noisy World” with Michelle Skally Doilney
How can we maintain silence and balance in the midst of political polarities, road traffic, and the stories our minds tell us? Join in to discuss how focusing on breath and how simple adjustments to your environment can help you navigate the beeps, bleeps, memes, and mind chatter of 2020.
Michelle Skally Doilney is a student and initiate in the Himalayan Tradition since 1997. She is a Certified Feng Shui Consultant, working with private and corporate clients, and teaching practical do-it-on-your-own Feng Shui since 2003. Michelle is currently working on several writing projects drawing from her love of travel and photography, and from her yoga and Feng Shui experiences.
6:00pm Hatha Yoga
7:00pm Meditation Guided by Swami Radha Bharati
7:30pm Presentation by Michelle Skally Doilney
8:30pm Vegan Soup and Clean-Up
9:00pm Prayers and Meditation