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Thursday Satsang Via Zoom and In-Person Viewing at TMC: “Remembering Swami Veda Bharati” Commemoration of the Ninth Anniversary of Swami Veda’s Mahasamadhi presented by Joanne Sullivan – July 11, 2024

Thursday Satsang Via Zoom and In-Person Viewing at TMCJuly 11, 2024

“Remembering Swami Veda Bharati”

1933 – July 14, 2015

Commemoration of the Ninth Anniversary of Swami Veda’s Mahasamadhi 

presented by Joanne Sullivan 

7:00 – 8:30 p.m. CDT

5:30-6:45 p.m.: In-Person Gentle Hatha Yoga  with Michael Snodgrass

6:15-7:00 p.m.: Vegan Soup and Salad

7:00-8:00 p.m.: Commemoration of the Mahasamadhi of Swami Veda . A Presentation by Joanne Sullivan

8:00-8:30 p.m.: Meditation with Swami Radha Bharati

8:30 p.m.: Evening Prayers

8:45: Recitation of the “Guru Gita” 

(The Thursday Satsang Zoom link will be used to join the “Guru Gita” recitation)

Joanne was in the first class with Dr. Arya when classes were held in the attic of the family home. Satsangs with him were nightly during the early years of the Meditation Center. Joanne lived at the Himalayan Institute 4 years when Swami Rama walked those halls. Later she retired to India to start Swami Veda’s library at SRSG, staying 14 years. No one in their right mind would believe that such beings walked this earth. But know this. Once they know you they will always know you and keep you in their hearts forever.

Join us, either in person or via Zoom for a special Thursday Satsang to commemorate the ninth anniversary of the Mahasamadhi of Beloved Swami Veda Bharati. Swami Veda entered Mahasamadhi on July 14, 2015.

To support the work of The Meditation Center and register you can donate here (suggested donation $15.00) for Thursday Satsang or make a general donation by clicking on the “donate” button on the “Support TMC” website page.

Or donate through PayPal.

Note: There is parking available for TMC visitors  in the St. Boniface lot across the street from the Center.