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Thursday Satsang via Zoom: “Spirituality and Writing for Everybody: Simple Tools in a World of Chaos” with Michelle Skally Doilney – June 25, 2020

Thursday Satsang via Zoom – June 25, 2020

“Spirituality and Writing for Everybody: Simple Tools in a World of Chaos”

with Michelle Skally Doilney

To receive the zoom link for this event, please subscribe to The Meditation Center’s e-newsletter on the home page of this website.

Please keep reading this satsang description… you can write, yes, this is for you. In these times, we need to write. We’ll keep it simple. We’ll learn to let it all go on paper. As we learn to “witness” in meditation, we learn to “witness” in writing. Keep your hand moving and write without editing, comment, or judgment. It doesn’t matter here if you wrote “your” instead of “you’re”, or if you never want to publish the memory of falling asleep during your first meditation class in a warm attic classroom (of course that didn’t happen to me). Start and return to simple breathing methods, to meditation, for centering. Deepen your spiritual practices with your pen. This is for YOU. This is for NOW.

You will learn that yes, you can write. I will teach simple and true writing guidelines as learned from Natalie Goldberg, and will add in practical wisdom from the Himalayan Tradition as we go.

No writing experience needed. There will be no editors, grades, or red pens.

Please bring:
Paper or notebook. Printer paper and lined notebooks are great. No special or fancy journals needed.

Fast-writing pen to keep up with your words and mind. Pencil or crayon? If that’s what you have, use it. Pens do generally move faster than other tools.

Reading is not mandatory but is very recommended! Please consider enriching your mind and practice with one or more of Natalie Goldberg’s books on writing and practice. I will be using Natalie’s “Wild Mind” book during this satsang.

Michelle Skally Doilney is a student and initiate in the Himalayan Tradition since 1997. She is a certified Feng Shui Consultant, certified Yoga Teacher (RYT 200), former corporate executive, and a lifelong writer. She has studied writing formally and for fun since her first poetry mentoring project in grade school, through a decades-prolonged Journalism/English degree, to meditation and writing retreats now, including Sit/Walk/Write

If you would like to support the work of The Meditation Center donate here for Thursday Satsang (suggested donation $15.00) or make a general donation by clicking the “Donate” button on the “Support TMC” website page.