Thursday Satsang Via Zoom: “Spiritually Inspiring Stories from the Himalayan Tradition” retold by Michael Smith – August 20, 2020
Thursday Satsang Via Zoom – August 20, 2020
7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
“Spiritually Inspiring Stories from the Himalayan Tradition”
retold by Michael Smith
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In his talk last Thursday, August 6th, Phil Nuernberger said that he was captivated by the wisdom contained in stories from the ancient Indian text titled THE YOGA VASISHTHA. “Absolutely fascinating!” Phil said.
Of the stories I have listened to from the YOGA VASISTHA, this one is the most memorable to me personally. It was told by Swami Veda, Swami Nijananda, Swami Atmananda and Stoma, and each time it was a joy to hear.
Briefly it is the story of a wise queen who dearly loves her husband, the king. Due to her mastery of Jnana Yoga, she is quickly enlightened. Her husband, however, is not as advanced, so the queen needs to use all her wits and supernatural powers to take him to the final liberation.
This story has it all: unexpected twists and turns, profound yogic teachings, and delightful humor!
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One of the most instructive and powerful ways that wisdom is communicated is through stories. Think of the folk tales, fairy tales and fables we heard as children – our cultural heritage – that have become part of personal fund of knowledge. Think of the aphorisms and metaphors that are part and parcel of our day-to-day communication with others. Think of Jesus’ parables in the Bible.
Swami Rama and Swami Veda told hundreds of teaching stories that were passed on to them from their parents and their teachers, the ancient texts, and the Indian folk lore of the Puranas, the Mahabharata, the Dhamapada, and the Jataka Tales.
Please join us this Thursday as Michael tells one of his favorites.
“The shortest distance between a human being and the Truth is a story.” (Father Anthony de Mello)