Thursday Satsang via Zoom: “The Sadhana of Moving” with Rodney and Joann Huff – April 15, 2021
Thursday Satsang via Zoom – April 15, 2021
“The Sadhana of Moving”
with Rodney and Joann Huff
7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
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7:00 p.m.: Meditation with Swami Radha Bharati
7:30 -8:30 p.m.: Talk by Rodney and Joann Huff
Joann and Rodney will share the lessons learned and challenges faced during their recent move. Each step of the journey provided a spiritual mirror to look at issues like their relationships with possessions; how facing excessive clutter is like exploring the unconscious mind; and being intentional in setting up their new space. It’s a work in progress!
One of Joann Huff’s favorite memories is meditating with a group from the Meditation Center. It was around 2003 at a teacher training event. Joann absolutely fell in love with the tools and the people. Before that day she had no idea all of this existed. This tradition has been a part of her life since that time. During Joann’s every day life she works as a nurse and has a blended family with six children who are now young adults.
Rodney Huff first came to the Center in January of 2000 and quickly took as many classes as he could. Since then he has traveled to India to study at Sadhana Mandir and Sadhaka Grama in Rishikesh. He began teaching Hatha yoga in 2003 and has been a regular teacher of Hatha Yoga (I & II) as well as Meditation I. Rodney is grateful for the opportunity to teach at a place as special as the Meditation Center. The teachings he received transformed his life, and he hopes that each of his students can have an equally rewarding experience.