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Thursday Satsang: ” Western Scientific Perspectives on Mantra Meditation” with Nic Klein – April 5, 2018

Thursday Satsang: ” Western Scientific Perspectives on Mantra Meditation” with Nic Klein

The ancient science of mantra has its origins in Vedic thought and the Ayurveda health and wellness system of ancient India.  Thousands of years of recorded experience suggest that mantras have the ability to liberate the mind and heal physical ailments.  As a result, these ancient vibrational sound technologies have generated significant interest in western psychological science.  A variety of clinical mantra meditation interventions have been introduced to western psychology, such as Transcendental Meditation (TM), Mantram Repetition Program (MRP), Clinically Standardized Meditation (CSM) and Benson’s Relaxation Response, to name a few.  The research suggests a variety of health benefits though many of the positions held by the ancient yogic systems are being investigated.  Is there a measurable difference between using a Sanskrit mantra and a “mock” mantra? Is mantra simply a psychophysiological cue or does it have a unique spiritual power?

Nic Klein, an initiate of the Himalayan Tradition and doctoral student of psychology will present some current research on this subject and attempt to answer the question; what has Western psychological research discovered about mantra meditation?

6:00pm Hatha Yoga with Nicole Roberts
7:00pm Meditation
7:30pm Presentation by Nic Klein
8:30pm Soup
9:00pm Prayers and Meditation