Thursday Satsang – September 1,...
"Poetry of the Divine Mother" with John David Wilson John will read and discuss a variety of poetry which reveals the Divine Mother. This should be inspirational to those doing ...
Thursday Satsang – August 25, 2...
Thursday Satsang - August 25, 2016 - Showing of Film "Stressless Living" with Swami Rama "Peace lies in the mind." Stress is created when you search for peace outside yourself...
The Crossroads of Spiritual Practice;...
Thursday Satsang – August 11 – “The Crossroads of Spiritual Practice; an Exploration of the Similarities and Differences between Mindfulness and Mantra Meditation" with N...
Thursday Satsang – August 4 – “...
Thursday Satsang – August 4 – "Bhakti, the Essence of Sadhana" with Pandit Tejomaya Bhakti, devotion, has the transformative power to turn words into prayers, actions in...
Thursday Satsang – June 23 R...
Thursday Satsang - June 23 - Wudang Mountain Daoist Meditation with Master Zhong Xue Wudang Mountain has a long history of meditation practices spanning over two thousand years....
Sunday Satsang: Study of – Per...
June 5, 2016 - Bhagavad Gita Study (continues) 10 AM - 12 PM The Meditation Center This coming Sunday the study of Perennial Psychology of the Bhagavad Gita will continue wi...
Thursday Satsang – July 16, 201...
Thursday Satsang: Intro to Shri Vidya - 16 July 2016 In this Thursday Eve Satsang, Pandit Dabral will briefly introduce the topic of "Intro to Shri Vidya", which is the theme o...