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The Meditation Center offers Silent Meditation Retreats at different times throughout the year, culminating in our Annual 5 or 10 Day Silence Retreat in August. Please visit “Posts – Retreats” often for more updates and information about registering for Silent Meditation Retreats.

A few principles of silence from Swami Veda’s book

The Song of Silence: Subtleties in Sadhana:

The third pillar of Sadhana is silence. Like the other pillars, silence also has any levels. 

1. The principle of silence in practice is part of our proper cultural upbringing everywhere. 

    We are taught a certain amount of silence right from childhood when our paretns tell us not to shout so loud or not to gossip about others. These are all parts of the principles of the practice of silence. …So often when we are surrounded by noise we long for silence. The principle of silence is extended to moral and ethical silence.

2. Every night we are forced to become silent for eight hours.

    Sleep is an involuntary practice of silence.

3. The practice of silence can also be a part of the practice of patience.

    For example, when somebody is angry and you are patient with him and do not shout back. Here, silence becomes a part of forgiveness.

4. Silence concerning selective spiritual matters

    For example, one does not tell one’s mantra to anyone; one is silent about it. The purpose of that silence is to absorb the mantra… by retaining the energy that you would otherwise lose by speaking.

5. Silence about spiritual experiences.

    One does not speak to others about the spiritual experiences one has had unless you are a teacher and some reference to some spiritual experience will be helpful to a student.

Read more in Swamiji’s book, The Song of Silence: Subtleties in Sadhana