Full Moon Meditation Schedule
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css=""] Via Zoom Full Moon Meditation Schedule The Meditation Center, Minneapolis, MN Time: 9:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. CST You are invi...
“Saumya Mantra and Tare Tuttare...
"Saumya Mantra and Tare Tuttare Mantra Practice" with Audios Recently Swami Ritavan and Pandit Dabral spoke on the science and practice of Shri Vidya in the Himalayan Tradition....
The Annual 40-Day Spiritual Festival ...
The Annual 40-Day Spiritual Festival Each summer during the 40 days that precede Guru Purnima, sadhakas are invited to participate in the 40-Day Spiritual Festival,...
The Annual 40-Day Spiritual Festival ...
The Annual 40-Day Spiritual Festival Each summer during the 40 days that precede Guru Purnima, sadhakas are invited to participate in the 40-Day Spiritual Festival,...
Conclusion of the 2019-2022 Practice ...
New AHYMSIN Sangha Practice~with Swami Ritavan Bharati~YouTube Links to All Events at SRSG, Rishikesh, India YouTube link to "Beginning of the final offerings of the 2019-20...
Spiritual Action Plan for the Sangha ...
Spiritual Action Plan for the Sangha Together, on behalf of the Lineage, let us dedicate our prayers, japa, and actions for the well-being and benefit of hum...
“Saumya Mantra and Tare Tuttare...
"Saumya Mantra and Tare Tuttare Mantra Practice" with Audios Recently Swami Ritavan and Pandit Dabral spoke on the science and practice of Shri Vidya in the Himalayan Tradition....
The Annual 40-Day Spiritual Festival ...
The Annual 40-Day Spiritual Festival 2019 Each summer during the 40 days that precede Guru Purnima, students in the Himalayan tradition are invited to participa...
“Meditate and Awaken, The Time ...
"Meditate and Awaken, The Time in Now" by Swami Ritavan Bharati Celebrating the Spirit - Jayee! ENJOY! by way of the Eternal and Omni-present Spirit, this perennial wisdo...
“Saumya Mantra ExplanationsR...
Saumya Mantra Explanations सौम्या सौम्यतरा शेष सौम्येभ्यस्त्वतिसुन्दरी। परापराणां परमा त्वमेव परमेश्वरी॥ saumyā saumyātarāśeṣā saumyebhyas tvati sundari, parāparāṇāṁ par...