Thursday Satsang via Zoom: Book Launch Fundraiser – Part 2″ “Everything is A Little Bit Alright” by Daniel Hertz, June 4, 2020
Thursday Satsang via Zoom
June 4, 2020
7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Book Launch Fundraiser – Part 2
“Everything is A Little Bit Alright” by Daniel Hertz

7:00-7:15 p.m. – gentle stretching
7:15-7:40 p.m. – guided meditation
7:40-8:30 p.m. – book talk and reading
If you would like to support the work of The Meditation Center donate here for Thursday Satsang (suggested donation $15.00) or make a general donation by clicking the “Donate” button on the “Support TMC” website page.
A $20 donation for each paperback or kindle brought to the Zoom launch will be made to The Meditation Center.
Thursday, June 4th, will be a reading and discussion format for Daniel Hertz’ new book, Everything is A Little Bit Alright. It is not necessary to have attended last Thursday’s presentation or to have read the book. A $20 donation will be given to The Center for any ADDITIONAL person showing up to this Zoom talk with a paperback or kindle in hand. Daniel will be happy to discuss any chapter of the book and take any questions.
The Meditation Center is a key chapter in the telling of this healing journey. Also included are many lively classroom scenes from Daniel’s thirty-one years as a teacher and counselor in the Minneapolis Public Schools. The first chapter starts with a harrowing tale from the year Nikki and Daniel lived in Panam
There is also a chapter about Daniel’shilariously perilous first visit to Tarkeshwar, the holy Shiva shrine in the Himalayas. Swami Hari once again returns to play a major role in this book as he did in Daniel’s first two books.
Excerpts from Randall Krause’s Review of Everything is A Little Bit Alright.
I especially liked how Daniel pays attention to life; he is awake, and in that way, he is a good model for how to live well. I found this gentle book to be inspiring.
Early in the book, Daniel tells how he discovered that, as a teacher, he could help peoplechange their lives. Having had that realization, he went on to get qualified to be a professional teacher. When met with challenges that may well have defeated many people, Daniel found ways to overcome them and, in the process, help those he was guiding. Daniel continuously develops his methods and effectiveness, and he did the same when he, later, shifted from teaching to counseling.
Throughout the book, Daniel sprinkles insights from the Himalayan Yoga Tradition.
My favorite part of the book was where Daniel related his experiences with Swami Hari. The title, “Everything is a little bit alright,” was something Swami Hari often said. Once again, through Daniel’s masterful descriptions, I felt I was right there with Swami Hari, and it was the Swami Hari I personally knew. How wonderful to re-live those days!
It’s a pleasure to find a book that I look forward to lying down, picking it up, and getting involved in it. This was that kind of a book. Not only was it a pleasure to read, but I greatlyenjoyed getting to know Daniel in this way and reading of our shared reverence for Himalayan Tradition of meditation.
Purchase book here through Amazon