Thursday Satsang: “The Transfor...
All are welcome! Come for the entire evening, or join at any time. There is no need to make reservations. Simply show up and enjoy yourself! Weekly Format: 6:00 – 7:00: Hatha Yo...
“Meditation Novena at Dunrovin&...
"Meditation Novena at Dunrovin" with Swami Ritavan Bharati Sunday, August 19th 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Join us, Swamis and Center Spiritual Guides, in meditation and japa...
One Day Silence Retreat at TMC –...
One Day Silence Retreat at TMC - Saturday, July 21st Opportunity to practice silence before committing to a longer retreat. Cost: $40.00 Register here. Silence shou...
One Day Silence Retreat at TMC –...
One Day Silence Retreat at TMC - Saturday, June 2nd Opportunity to practice silence before committing to a longer retreat. [divider line_type="No Line"...
Seven-Day Summer Silence Retreat 2018...
Summer Silence Retreat 2018 with Swami Radha Bharati and Jim Nelson Dunrovin Retreat Center in the Beautiful St. Croix River Valley August 16 – August 22, 2018 Seven-Day Silence...
“Liquified Silence” by Sw...
Liquified Silence From Words Curved by Swami Veda Bharati, 2007, pages 28-31 Impressions from within the room where St. Theresa of Avila was born in Avila, Spain. I In so...
Thursday Satsang: “Let’s talk a...
Thursday Satsang with Swami Radha Bharati "Let’s talk about silence…" - June 1, 2017 7:30pm - 8:30pm Let’s talk about silence… Come join the conversat...
Thursday Satsang: “Let’s talk a...
All are welcome! Come for the entire evening, or join at any time. There is no need to make reservations. Simply show up and enjoy yourself! Weekly Format: 6:00 - 7:00: Hatha Yo...
Five-Day Summer Silence Retreat 2017 ...
Summer Silence Retreat 2017 with Swami Radha Bharati and Jim Nelson Dunrovin Retreat Center in the Beautiful St. Croix River Valley August 17 – August 23, 2017 Five-Day Silen...
Mauni Amavasya (Silence Day – J...
Mauni Amavasya (Silence Day) - January 27, 2017 Mauni Amavasya (Silence Day) is an annual observance. The observation of Silence Day is a practice that Swami Veda Bharati invit...