Thursday Satsang: “The Transformativ...
Thursday Satsang on September 13, 2018 “The Transformative Power of Silence” with Jim Nelson Silence is the greatest communication. It is the language which trans...
“Progressing with Sri Vidya Sad...
"Progressing with Sri Vidya Sadhana" Explanation by Swami Ritavan Bharati Verse 3 from Saundarya-Lahari Following the Bala mantra practice and special meditation given two yea...
Thursday Satsang: “Morning Pray...
Thursday Satsang on September 6, 2018 "Morning Prayers in The Himalayan Tradition" with Michael Smith Each morning, around the world, students in the...
Begins September 9th: Sunday Satsang ...
Sunday Satsang Sessions: DEFENDING ANCIENT SPRINGS Exploring Our Relationship to the Modern World in Light of the Ancient Wisdom Traditions: Maintaining Values during the Four A...
Guru Purnima 2018 by Joanne (Divya) S...
Guru Purnima 2018 "Interconnectedness" by Joanne (Divya) Sullivan Even trees communicate through the earth and the air. Certainly humans do too. All of life is inextrica...
Thursday Satsang: “Practical Hints fo...
Thursday Satsang “Practical Hints for Meditation” with Indu Arora Join Indu Arora for an inspiring evening. Indu Arora, Ayurveda and Yoga Therapist consiers herself a s...
“Meditation Novena at Dunrovin&...
"Meditation Novena at Dunrovin" with Swami Ritavan Bharati Sunday, August 19th 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Join us, Swamis and Center Spiritual Guides, in meditation and japa...
“Fearlessness” by H.H.S. ...
"Fearlessness" by H.H.S. Swami Rama Fears, if not examined, will develop strong roots, though they are often rootless. Fear invites danger. Self-preservation is the instinct th...
New Start Date – Spanish Langua...
New Spanish Language "Combined Meditation and Hatha Yoga Class" with Emilio Bettaglio "Meditación 1" y "Hatha Yoga 1" con Emilio Bettaglio Miércoles: 12 de Septi...
Thursday Satsang: “The Art of J...
Thursday Satsang on August 9, 2018 "The Art of Joyful Living con't" with Lynn Hasel Come and enjoy a peaceful evening of contemplation and meditation on te...
“Grace of Adi Shankaracharya...
"Grace of Adi Shankaracharya" by Swami Ritavan Bharati [This article was previously published in the April 2018 AHYMSIN Newsletter.] As one would visit their long lost ancestral...