“Is an Ashram For Me?” by Swami Ritav...
“Is an Ashram For Me?” by Swami Ritavan Bharati (Parts 1 - 5) Part 1 History: Ashram as gurukulam invites adhikarin-students, those on the path of yoga to stay and study under...
Thursday Satsang: “What Would Shiva D...
Thursday Satsang: “What Would Shiva Do?” with John David Wilson Join us for a satsang chat on our life perspectives, our innermost hopes, our relationships and intera...
Thursday Satsang: “Pilgrimage E...
"Pilgrimage Experiences in the Himalayas" with Lori Beron, Skip Dykoski, Chris Getz, Saroj Lucht, and Chetna Tandon Come and be inspired as several members of the Medita...
No Wednesday Morning Gentle Hatha Cla...
No Wednesday Morning Gentle Hatha Class November 22, 2017 Wednesday morning's gentle hatha class will resume on Wednesday, November 29, 2017. Join Mary Bowman-Clin...
No Thursday Satsang on November 23, 2...
No Thursday Satsang on November 23, 2017 Happy Thanksgiving! With gratitude and love in our hearts The Meditation Center's board and staff would like to take this ...
Thursday Evening Satsang – Nove...
Thursday Evening Satsang - November 16, 2017 "Treasured Echoes" Festival of An Archive of Dr. Arya's Audios "Transitions" with Commentary by Eric Ness On Thursday ...
Thursday Satsang: An Evening with Pau...
Thursday Satsang: An Evening with Paul Emerson, Ph.D. “Stories of Endings from the Monks and Swamis" and "Commemoration of H.H.S. Swami Rama's Mahasamadhi" Last week's All So...
“Expansion of ConsciousnessR...
"Expansion of Consciousness" by H.H.S. Swami Rama The yogis say to expand, not contract, your consciousness during the waking state. When you expand yourself, what will happen? ...
Thursday Satsang: An Evening with Phi...
Thursday Satsang: An Evening with Phil Nuernberger, Ph.D. “Nature of Mind and Consciousness and the Interaction of the Two" Join us for an informative and interactive eve...
“Prayer for Strength and Wisdom...
"Prayer for Strength and Wisdom" by H.H.S. Swami Rama Many students who meditate think that prayer is not needed, because they don’t understand what prayer is. Why do you want t...
Thursday Satsang: “Diwali, A Fe...
"Diwali, A Festival of Light" with Anil Konkimalla Anil Konkimalla will be talking on the significance of Diwali both with respect to religion and spirituality. Also, Anil will ...
Thursday Satsang: A Special Thursday ...
A Special Thursday Evening with Nina Johnson and Mayanne Krech on the Guru-Disciple Relationship Nina Johnson will join us via Skype and will tell stories of her r...