“Prayer for Strength and Wisdom...
"Prayer for Strength and Wisdom" by H.H.S. Swami Rama Many students who meditate think that prayer is not needed, because they don’t understand what prayer is. Why do you want t...
Thursday Satsang: “Diwali, A Fe...
"Diwali, A Festival of Light" with Anil Konkimalla Anil Konkimalla will be talking on the significance of Diwali both with respect to religion and spirituality. Also, Anil will ...
Thursday Satsang: A Special Thursday ...
A Special Thursday Evening with Nina Johnson and Mayanne Krech on the Guru-Disciple Relationship Nina Johnson will join us via Skype and will tell stories of her r...
“Liquified Silence” by Sw...
Liquified Silence From Words Curved by Swami Veda Bharati, 2007, pages 28-31 Impressions from within the room where St. Theresa of Avila was born in Avila, Spain. I In so...
Thursday Satsang: An Evening with Swa...
Thursday Satsang: An Evening with Swami Ritavan Bharati Join us for a special Thursday Satsang talk with Swami Ritavan Bharati on October 5, 2017. 6:00pm Hatha Yoga with Mary B...
Anatomy of the Hip Joint with Mary Bo...
Anatomy of the Hip Joint with Mary Bowman-Cline When: Wednesday, October 18, 2017 Time: 6:30pm-8:45pm Instructor: Mary Bowman-Cline ERYT 500 Cost: $30.00 Register here. Usi...
“Introspection and Witnessing...
"Introspection and Witnessing" by H.H.S. Swami Rama The laws of the internal journey are entirely different. They comprise the science of yoga. You want to be an interior resea...
Thursday Satsang: September 28, 2017 ...
Thursday Satsang - September 28, 2017 Festival of An Archive of Dr. Arya's Audios "Yoga in Daily Life" with Commentary by Swami Radha On Thursday evenings in August and into S...
“Peace and the Ancient Traveler...
"Peace and the Ancient Traveler" by H.H.S. Swami Rama Peace Peace has, perhaps, never been experienced by the world. It is a narrow gulf, a gap between two wars. As long as two ...
Thursday Satsang: “First Night ...
Thursday Satsang: "First Night of Navaratri, An Evening with John David Wilson" Join us for this first evening of the nine nights of Navaratri. We will share and discuss the God...