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Yoga Tag

Yoga and Science

The word ‘science’ is derived from Latin verb root ‘scire’, to know. So, all knowledge is ‘science’ and God the Omniscient, from the same verb root, can be translated into mod...

Two Paths in Yoga

There are many misunderstandings about yoga. There are many paths in yoga and different yogis choose different paths. Here we shall speak only of two paths to clear up some mi...


Silence The Meditation Center offers Silent Meditation Retreats at different times throughout the year, culminating in our Annual 5 or 10 Day Silence Retreat in August. Please v...

Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra Yoga nidra is a simple method consisting of a few breathing and mental exercises. You may begin by following the brief form of Yoga nidra outlined below. For more inf...