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The Meditation Center Wish List

The following list includes items and Resources that The Meditation is currently seeking. If you or someone you know is able to provide new or gently used items on the list plea...

Motto for all Future Silence Days

Motto for all future silence days (from some old lecture of mine): Eat only when you are fasting Be still while running Speak only when in silence. उपोषन्नेव भुञ्जीयात् ब्रह...

Making a Sankalpa

Making a Sankalpa by Swami Veda Bharati from "Mind, Economics and Anxieties" in Life Positive Magazine  "I have come to recognize the divine light within my own heart." — Sri ...

What is Mastery in Yoga?

Nowadays thousands of people worldwide publicize themselves as yoga masters. Real masters are few and far between. Even to be a master of one kriya (method or practice) is rare...

You Needn’t Be Lonely

The Times of India - Speaking Tree publication published “You Needn’t Be Lonely” by Swami Veda Bharati on 7th April 2013.   The text reads as follows. SWAMI VEDA BHARATI tak...

Yoga and Science

The word ‘science’ is derived from Latin verb root ‘scire’, to know. So, all knowledge is ‘science’ and God the Omniscient, from the same verb root, can be translated into mod...

Unity in Names

There are so many ways humanity expresses an inner unity even with differences of history, language, country and culture. Here I point out just one area of such unity of thoug...