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Two Paths in Yoga

There are many misunderstandings about yoga. There are many paths in yoga and different yogis choose different paths. Here we shall speak only of two paths to clear up some mi...

Response to Silence Day – Febru...

What a day! It is Chinese New Year Day. It is a sacred Jewish day. Sharing Steve Siegel's response to Silent Day, the invitation to share one day of silence, Mauni Amavasya, e...

Dakshinamurti Stotra

Dakshinamurti Stotra (transcribed, edited, and amended from a  lecture celebrating Guru-purnima at The Meditation Center Minneapolis, USA)   by Swami Veda Bharati There is a...

Swammi Veda Bharati

The Two-Minute Meditation

The Two-Minute Meditation Something profoundly significant to incorporate into your busy daily life. "Start your inward journey, more seriously. Make that a part of your life....